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Studio Paci

Semi-Annual Submission of Medical Expenses: 2024 Updated Guide

📅 New Deadlines for Submitting Healthcare and Veterinary Expenses Data: A Significant Change in 2024

From 2024, due to the Ministerial Decree (DM) of February 8, 2024, there's a notable evolution in the submission of medical expenses data to the Italian Health Insurance System.

This legislative update introduces a significant change in the frequency of data submission, shifting from a monthly to a biannual schedule.

For healthcare expenses incurred in the first half of the year, the final deadline for data submission is set by September 30, while for those incurred in the second half, the deadline is January 31 of the following year.

This modification aims to optimize information flows and reduce the administrative burden for both professionals and citizens.

Regarding veterinary expenses, the regulation adopts a slightly different approach, establishing that data transmission must occur annually, by March 16 of the year following the one in which the expenses were incurred.

This provision marks a decisive turning point, proposing a more streamlined and manageable process compared to the previous monthly submission system.

📊 Impact and Responsibilities for Healthcare Professionals and Citizens

The update of the deadlines requires healthcare professionals and citizens to pay greater attention to the management of timelines.

It becomes crucial to carefully monitor the payment dates of healthcare and veterinary services, ensuring that data submission to the Health Insurance System respects the new time intervals, always considering the cash principle relative to the document issuance date.

🔄 Correction Procedures in Case of Errors

The regulation also provides a specific procedure for correcting mistakenly transmitted data.

In such cases, the parties involved have a grace period of 5 working days following the indicated deadline to correct any inaccuracies, thus ensuring the correctness and reliability of the information communicated to the system.


What are the main innovations introduced by the DM of February 8, 2024, for the submission of healthcare expenses data to the Health Insurance System?

From 2024, the DM of February 8, 2024, has introduced significant changes in managing healthcare expenses, altering the data submission frequency to the Health Insurance System.

Prior to this regulation, data submission was expected on a monthly basis.

With the new provisions, however, the deadlines for submitting healthcare expenses data become biannual: by September 30 for expenses incurred in the first half and by January 31 of the following year for those in the second half.

This change is designed to optimize information flows and lighten the administrative load for sector professionals and citizens.

How do the deadlines for submitting data on veterinary expenses change with the introduction of the new decree?

Veterinary expenses see a different amendment compared to healthcare ones.

Starting in 2024, the transmission of data related to veterinary expenses to the Health Insurance System must occur on an annual basis, instead of monthly as previously stipulated.

The deadline for submitting such data is set by March 16 of the year following the one in which the expenses were incurred.

This regulatory update aims to further simplify the data submission procedures, easing the compliance for both professionals and citizens.

In case of mistaken transmission of data to the Health Insurance System, what are the steps for correction?

Should there be an error in the transmission of healthcare or veterinary expenses data to the Health Insurance System, there's the possibility of correction.

Responsible parties can correct any mistakes within 5 working days from the indicated deadline for data submission.

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