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Studio Paci

📈💼🌍Expats Regime: An Introduction

📖 Introduction to the Expats Regime

Italy is a country rich in opportunities, but in recent decades it has faced a growing brain drain as talents have moved abroad.

To counter this trend, the legislature introduced the Expats Regime, a fiscal tool designed to encourage the return of qualified and specialized professionals.

This measure not only supports the return of individuals but also represents a national strategy to attract expertise, fostering economic and cultural growth.

📚 What is the Expats Regime?

The Expats Regime is a special fiscal policy, first introduced under Article 16 of Legislative Decree 147/2015 (also known as the Internationalization Decree), offering significant tax benefits for those who decide to transfer their tax residence to Italy.

This regime primarily targets employees, self-employed professionals, and high-level managers who, after a period of work abroad, choose to return to Italy.

🎯 Goals of the Expats Regime

The Expats Regime was designed to achieve several strategic goals:

  • Counteract the brain drain by encouraging the return of qualified resources.

  • Attract international know-how, which is essential for the innovation and competitiveness of Italian companies.

  • Support economic and cultural development by leveraging the experiences gained by workers abroad.

📖 A Brief History of the Expats Regime

The Expats Regime was introduced in 2015 under the Internationalization Decree and has undergone significant changes over the years.

Since its inception, the regime has evolved to adapt to the needs of workers and companies, expanding the pool of beneficiaries and introducing new requirements.

🕒 Key Milestones

  1. 2015: The regime was established with a five-year duration and a reduction of the taxable IRPEF base by up to 70%.

  2. 2019: The Growth Decree extended the possibility of prolonging the benefits to 10 years.

  3. 2024: The new international tax decree (Legislative Decree 209/2023) introduced stricter requirements and reduced fiscal benefits.

🛠️ How Does the Expats Regime Work?

The Expats Regime is based on a simple yet effective concept: providing fiscal incentives to those who choose to return or move to Italy.

The policy offers a significant reduction of the taxable IRPEF (Personal Income Tax) base, making it financially beneficial to work in Italy compared to other countries.

🔍 Key Legal Foundations

As will be explored in future articles, the Expats Regime applies to workers who:

  • Transfer their tax residence to Italy, in accordance with Article 2 of the TUIR.

  • Primarily perform their professional activities in Italy.

  • Meet specific previous residence abroad requirements.

Over the years, the implementation of the regime has been accompanied by clarifications from the Italian Revenue Agency, ensuring greater certainty for economic operators.

✍️ The Logic Behind the Regime: Incentives and Goals

Italy positions itself as a strategic hub for innovation, industry, and culture. However, to compete globally, it requires a steady inflow of talent.

The Expats Regime acts as a key tool to incentivize the return of skilled professionals, simultaneously addressing the brain drain and enhancing both Italian and foreign human capital.

This strategy enables Italy to strengthen its global competitiveness, innovate in various sectors, and foster cultural and professional exchange.

🌟 Added Value for the Economic System

The internationalization of expertise represents a crucial added value for Italy's economic and cultural ecosystem.

The experience gained abroad by returning expats:

  • Enhances the competitiveness of Italian companies.

  • Promotes cultural and professional exchange.

  • Strengthens the local economic fabric with innovation and leadership.

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